Mickey castle of illusion xbox one
Mickey castle of illusion xbox one

mickey castle of illusion xbox one mickey castle of illusion xbox one

None of it pushes the platforming genre as a whole forward even an inch, and the themed worlds that seemed so imaginative in the ‘90s are now utter cliches, but these reworked return trips certainly beat Sega’s designers just copying and pasting from a ROM and having an early night. A clock tower whose grinding gears keep switching the perspective. A micro-scale bonus level set in a swirling tea-cup.


A series of false platforms solved by referring to the true reflection behind them. It’s stylish, it moves well, and every stage is packed with character and gimmicks to uncover and enjoy. Castle of Illusion isn’t close to Rayman-level artistry, but its looks and personality easily earn its Disney logo. Everything benefits from great art and at least a little 3D though, with flat routes now able to curve around towers, follow train tracks, and other well-implemented effects. Older segments be can a mite bland if you have no emotional connection to their original versions, but the new stuff around them is surprisingly seamless. The actual game is a strange mix of old and new, with lots of specific level design copied outright, but expanded on every axis – the action mostly being 2D with polygons instead of sprites, but with the camera regularly zooming out into the third-dimension proper for bonuses, some set-pieces, bosses, and the Castle itself, which has now been upgraded from a few humble doors to a shameless copy of Peach’s place from Super Mario 64. Unlike the intrusive story of Duck Tales Remastered though, CoI’s plays behind the action rather than constantly interrupting it, and the narrator shuts up when returning to levels to sweep for collectibles. And, well, that’s about it, with the added detail in this remake limited to little more than a narrator on hand to constantly add comments like “Mickey bravely continued through the castle.” This narration can get irritating after a failed jump too many on a specific section, and contributes little. Mickey of course races to rescue her, content from the title of this game that at least he knows exactly which castle his princess will be in. The premise (“plot” would be a little strong), is that Minnie gets captured by the witch Mizrabel – the Queen from Snow White working under a different name – to have her youth and beauty siphoned off.

Mickey castle of illusion xbox one