Trine in astrology
Trine in astrology

trine in astrology

When planets are separated by 60 degrees from each other, they form a sextile so planets 2 houses away from each other form a Sextile. The area affected by square (the house where the planets are located) is where you are quite actively involved and face challenges before finally succeeding. Without action, we can’t get the ball rolling. While this angle creates some turbulence between planets involved, it is necessary to spark an action. Planets in square are considered positive especially in Vedic Astrology. Mars form a square with Jupiter, which is separated by 3 houses. While means if two planets are 3 signs/houses away from each other, they could be in square. When two planets are 90 degrees far from each other, they are in square aspect. This brings more good luck, creative abilities and opportunities in one’s life in the areas that these planets affect. Trine is considered positive in Vedic Astrology as energy flows easily between the planets in trine.

trine in astrology

In the chart above, Mercury is forming a trine with Moon and Jupiter. Each house is of 30 degrees so four houses make up 120 degrees, which means that if planet A is placed in 4th house and planet B is placed in 8th house, these two planets form a trine. When two planets are 120 degrees apart from each other, it forms a trine. You need to maintain a balance, where one must coordinate with the other. Due to the conflicting energies, some irresolution and uncertainty in areas under the impact of the opposition. There is a need for cooperation so as to establish harmony. While they are opposites, one is not complete without the other. The planet in every 7th house from where a planet is placed in its opposition. In the example chart on the left, Rahu and Sun/Ketu are exactly in opposition. Opposition forms when two planets are exactly opposite each other, meaning there is a difference of 180 degrees in their placement. Here is an example chart that we would refer to study about these aspects in detail. These angles are called Sextile (60 degrees), Square (90 degrees), Trine (120 degrees) and Opposition (180 degrees). The angular distance of 60 degrees, 90 degrees, 120 degrees and 180 degrees is specifically relevant as these aspects are more powerful in shaping the character and life of the native. Some aspects are considered especially important in Vedic Astrology. An aspect refers to a certain angular distance of one planet from the other. The zodiac circle consists of 360 degrees in total, divided in 12 parts it allots 30 degrees to each sign.

Trine in astrology